Heritage Prairie Apartments is excited to announce, that as of October 1, 2015, it will be managed by Van Binsbergen & Associates, based out of Montevideo, MN. This new property management firm will continue on the very fine work that the previous management company (Atwood Property Management) performed beautifully, for years.
On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, we had a social gathering for the two management companies, and the residents, in the Prairie Room (community room). The photo above shows Ms. Chris Schmitz, the previous, long-term Property Manager from Atwood (left), Ms. Yvonne Ellis, the current, long-term on-site Resident Manager (center), and Ms. Sara Wohlers, the new Property Manager from Van Binsbergen.
We are VERY appreciative of the GREAT oversight and management that Atwood has provided over the years, and especially during the past year during the new ownership. Thank you Chris & Staff!
And, we are now excited to be under the care of a western MN management company, that manages properties all around the Wabasso area. Welcome, Sara & Staff!